Sunday, July 12, 2009

I am putting this out there for folks that havent heard yet, or don't know the details:

Heather is getting married! her and fiance Chris will be married on September 19.2009 in Tri Cities, WA. He is a really nice guy and I'm sure they will have a great life together.


Thursday, July 02, 2009

Lauren as usual

Well, as you know Lauren and Marty came out to play in the woods on the dirt bikes. MAN THEY were AWESOME! quick learners and of course not satisfied with just barely gettin' by...noooooo!! I am VERY impressed with their SKILLZ. we had a real good visit and a couple great rides in p-e-r-f-e-c-t weather. hopefully they saw some cool views that i always take for granted as i pretty much see stuff every week or so out there anyway. Day two Lauren and I pushed on until snow stopped us only 100 feet from our goal so we hiked that last bit. i got a kick out of taking pictures of Lauren taking her pictures as you can see. i had to push Lauren off the bike on day two to get her to call it a day ( 48 miles), but her being the ironwoman that she is, well i think she would have gone for 10 more at least. Enjoy the cool pictures.....


Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Your Sister is a Dirt Bike Diva

Hi All,

Just got back from 2 glorious days with Joe and Marty at Wenachee Natl Forrest. Joe took us "Riding" on the bikes. First of all the darn thing was way tall (Even on my tip toes with big boots - I could not touch the ground!) But we rode 35 miles the first day and about 48 the second. What a great time! I went off into the trails today (Tues) and it was sooo cool! I only spilled the bike 6 times (cause stopping was a bitch when you cannot touch the ground!) Anyway here are some of my pictures - Joe will post his. We were up at 6500 ft and I took the pictures attached. It really was awesome. Lauren

ps Lookout brother Frank I am gunnin for you on your bike next!

Rock N Roll Seattle

Hi all,

Well we did it! Karen can cross this off her bucket list. We finished the Seattle Rock N Roll this past Sat and it was great. There were 25,000 runners - The weather was a little hot (80) and I actually got a sun burn. Yep you are reading this correctly I got a sun burn in Seattle!!!!

So Karen came across the line before me - we ran and walked the event (6:28:33) . Took in the beautiful sights of Seattle and had a really great time. Attaching some of the pictures! (This is at mile 15). I have a video clip of us crossing - check it out ...very cool
